Meat and Dairy: The Ultimate In Grooming

Charles Karel Bouley AKA Karel
6 min readApr 20, 2022

By Charles Karel Bouley II

There’s a lot of talk these days about “grooming” and while most of it is daft ramblings of a political cult overtaken by another cult, it does bring up a good topic. Does America and the world “groom” or indoctrinate impressionable minds, especially children, in to behavior that is destructive, harmful or even criminal. The answer, of course, is yes: Christianity comes to mind, but even bigger than that is the grooming of humans to eat meat and dairy by huge corporations who neither care for health or the planet.

Meat and dairy became a staple of humans that didn’t know any better. They didn’t know that the nutrients they were getting from the animals were actually from the plants, simply stored in the animal. They didn’t know the animal was the middle-man; they didn’t know of food-born diseases, of the chemistry of our bodies or how food interacts with it. Modern medicine and science has shown us the truth of food; a truth many ignore. That meat and dairy are not only not necessary in the human diet, but actually are unhealthy.

But farms that provided meat and dairy turned in to industries, and those industries and overproduction have devastate the planet. We will literally kill the planet, and are, if we don’t become plant-based eaters. Every report says it, they call it “climate based eating” or “carbon neutral eating” because they’re afraid to say vegan.

And those industries spawned many other industries, and then became companies like Archers Daniel Midland (ADM), with world monopolies on food, particularly meat and dairy.

And they needed consumers for all this product so they have told the world, since advertising began, that meat and dairy are good for you (like they said about tobacco, sugar, etc.) even though it’s a lie, as well as being murder of sentient beings needlessly mostly in the worst, most inhumane conditions. The food supply is so filthy you can’t eat uncooked meat or drink raw milk.

And they convinced people it tasted good by adding all kinds of vegan spices and condiments; because face it, you don’t LIKE meat and dairy. You cook the hell out of it, you dress it up with all kinds of spices, all to change the taste of dead, decaying corpses in your kitchen. As for dairy, you act like cheese and other products can only be made out of cow milk, when there are hundreds of other options just as good that don’t require ripping a baby cow away from it’s mother and keeping cows unnaturally pregnant.

But advertisers, industries, farmers all groomed you to be consumers of their deadly products. Kids are given milk containers at school (or were in my day). Kids are given food by their parents that are harmful for them almost every meal, because parents were told to feed them this by advertising, not doctors. Remember, food is medicine.

Hungry, a burger is the answer. Happy Meals give kids burgers with beef from over 100 cows and buns that contain ingredients in tennis shoe soles. Kentucky Fried Chicken is family, it’s dinner. No, it’s murdered cholesterol, deep fried in more fat with very little nutrition. As for the protein, the chicken got it from the plants it ate, all creatures do. Meat is the middle man of protein.

Lunchable snacks of crackers and…deli meats. Milk Shakes out of dairy. I could go on and on. From the moment we can eat we are bombarded with horrifying food, told it’s good for us, and the slaughter of it, the harm it is causing always carefully kept hidden from the consumers. It’s all pretty and ready to go for your convenience with consumers never once seeing the real cost to the world, their bodies and the animals.

And that’s how you groom. You tell people this is good for you, ignore all the evidence to the contrary. You get them to vilify people who woudl dare challenge their way of thinking. Vegans are treated as an imposition at almost every restaurant, an afterthought. But given the cost of it all, all dishes should be vegan and meat and dairy should be additions for a price if offered at all. That’s if were listening to science. to medicine, to the planet.

But instead we listen to the groomers. The corporations that make billions off keeping you sick, fat, eating abused animals from a poison system. The hucksters telling you it’s all good for you, that you could NEVER become plant based. It’s too hard.

Oh that’s the biggest grooming point. The meat and dairy proponents spread the word that being plant-based is too costly, too hard, too weird, that you won’t get the proper nutrition, that ONLY their product can give you what you need, when it’s all a lie. And that’s grooming.

Even the White House. President Joe Biden should be moving America to a plant-based food economy for the Earth, for the health of the nation and because murder is wrong. Can you imagine a President saying they were going to end all beef, chicken, dairy and seafood imports? That by 2030 100% of America will eat 80% less meat? Government programs PUSH meat and dairy, yes, I’ve had government cheese, cans of pork, etc. SNAP programs cover dairy and other harmful things for kids. We subsidize the meat and dairy farmers and industry to provide a product that is harmful to the environment, to our bodies and relies on murder. And one that is totally replaceable today.

Can you imagine if a President took action? The industries would use their power to rally ignorant Americans in outrage over coming for their beef, chicken, fish and dairy. Because America has become a death cult. Mass shootings daily and we do nothing because the gun lobby has groomed people to believe that guns are good; Through Hollywood, through the Second Amendment argument and through fear. But that’s literally another story. It’s your freedom to eat meat and dairy, your freedom to kill other animals, put bad food in your body, destroy the planet so it dies and make yourself sick so you go to their friends at the Health Care industry.

Because grooming you to eat bad food not only lines their pockets but the pockets of those in the health care industry taking care of diabetes, obesity, high BP and other food-related issues. Doctors are groomed to provide pharmaceuticals instead of food and exercise when science now shows that food and exercise can cure. By whom? Corporate medicine.

So yes, there’s a LOT of grooming going on in the world, grooming that gets people to do horrible things, like kill. Grooming that gets people to put toxins in their bodies daily. And if you speak out against it, if you say hey, you don’t have to eat that any more, there’s a better way, you are vilified. I have lost friends over this, who just couldn’t be friends with a plant-based eater. I hate that for my first 55 years I was groomed by culture, media and corporations to eat all the wrong foods and was so fat and sick for so long. At 60 this year, I weigh less than ever in my life, take less medication and exercise more than ever. Because five years ago I tuned out the noise and saved myself by going plant-based. And once I saw how fabulous it was, the options, the flavors, the health benefits, I felt swindled, lied to, I felt that my parents and I had been duped our whole lives, told to go right this way when it was leading to death.

It’s time we stop the meat and dairy industry from grooming billions of people in to believing their products are OK. They are not. They murder sentient beings, destroy the planet, and kill humans in the process because the food is not good for you and they do it for profit.

So the next time you’re scoffing at a vegan remember you were groomed to do that otherwise you’d be joining them. The next time you belittle a plant-based diet and say it’s not for you, know that’s not you, or science speaking. You were groomed, successfully, to think that.

And it’s killing you and the planet.



Charles Karel Bouley AKA Karel

Karel is a history making entertainer, broadcaster, author and journalist. He is seen weekly on Free Speech TV and heard daily at